The Partnership works to make Houston the world's best place to live, 努力创业 through our economic development and public policy work, along with a regional leadership role--convening key stakeholders on issues that matter most in the region.
Receive exclusive information on the Houston economy and more.
Partnership 成员s have access to online tools, digital subscription and other resources. 作为会员, you'll receive detailed data and analysis on the Houston economy, the latest updates on the Partnership's impact on the region, economic development 新闻 including company relocations and expansions and much more.
享受活动和社交机会 & 皇冠HGA010官方下载发展.
对于那些寻找网络和皇冠HGA010官方下载发展, 合作伙伴关系提供特别活动, Business Resource Groups and Forums designed to provide access to Houston's business leaders as well as information you can use to help grow your business.
想了解更多关于会员资格的信息? View our 会员指南 for more information on the Partnership's mission and the many ways to get involved.
The Partnership works to make Houston the world's best place to live, 努力创业 through our economic development and public policy work, along with a regional leadership role--convening key stakeholders on issues that matter most in the region. Together, Partnership 成员s create meaningful impact across the greater Houston region.
通过Hga010皇冠软件下载会员的努力, 该伙伴关系解决了休斯顿的独特挑战, 支持本地区的发展和成功. This work is primarily accomplished through public policy and economic development efforts. 了解更多关于伙伴关系及其使命的信息 在这里.
The Partnership serves more than 950 成员 companies across the 12-county Houston region. Member companies represent businesses of all sizes and industries. 查看会员名录.
填写会员查询表格 在这里找到 and a 成员 of our team will follow-up with you to discuss how you can best engage in the Partnership's efforts based on your business goals and personal passions.
对于那些寻找网络和皇冠HGA010官方下载发展, 合作伙伴关系提供特别活动 and 会员参与计划机会 designed to connect you with fellow business leaders as well as information that can be used to help grow your business.
伙伴关系成员可以获得许多资源. 作为会员, you will receive detailed data and analysis on the Houston economy, the latest updates on the Partnership's impact on the region, economic development 新闻 including company relocations and expansions and much more. Members also receive special discounts on ticketed events and exclusive access to 成员 engagement programming.
The Partnership is 成员-based gathering place for community-minded business leaders who want to be involved in Houston's growth and influence our economic trajectory and work together to make Houston one of the best places to live, 努力创业. Join us today to become a part of an influential group of business leaders dedicated to making Houston greater.
欢迎加入! 既然你加入了, you'll want to complete the following steps to ensure you are connected with what's going on at the Partnership and around Houston.
关于参与还有其他问题吗? 今天与Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队成员取得联系,给Hga010皇冠软件下载发电子邮件 成员.engagement@kingstoncreations.com 开始吧!
Houston's robust health and health care landscape play a pivotal role in sustaining the city's business community. Access to world-class medical facilities enhances workforce well-being, 生产力, 吸引人才. A healthy population supports a resilient business environment fostering innovation and long-term economic success for Houston. Forums are hosted the first Tuesday of each month and bring 成员s together to get a pulse on the industries and initiatives shaping Houston as a great global city. 无论你的行业是什么, Forums provide valuable networking opportunities to connect with fellow 成员s and learn the latest in regional happenings.